How to Phase Out Treats when Training your Dog
A common issue I hear from dog owners is "My dog that will only sit for a treat and will not listen to me unless bribed! " So how do you...
Is my naughty dog trying to dominate me? Do I need to be more "alpha" or "leader of the pack"?
The short answer to these questions is a very firm no! If you're not convinced please read on. In this blog post I tackle a topic that...
Five Reasons Why Obedience Training Is Good for You and Your Dog!
Five Reasons Why Obedience Training Is Good for You and Your Dog! 1. Safety Perhaps the most compelling reason to attend an obedience...
5 Tips for Loose Leash Dog Walking
One of the most frustrating things about walking some dogs is when they pull constantly on the leash, straining against the owner, often...